
Monday, December 8, 2014

Reasons to live in London

I met up with a sorority sister whom I haven't seen since college last week, whose name is Dawn. But I always feel so funny calling her that, because she's always been "Peanut" to me.  No really, she went by Peanut in college.  I feel its a time to call her by her grown up name, but I also feel like a farce using it! But anyways, I met her up at my fav brunch place, Butler and Chef. Are you tired of me talking about that place yet?!  I bring everyone here who is out of town.  Its just too good to pass up!

Anyways, I was telling her how much I miss living in London and HOW AMAZING IT IS.  Then I came across this article, and it was too convenient not to share!

Here is a short list of those that I totally agreed with!

4. When you understand the tube map you'll realise how painfully simple it is

7. No matter what you want to do with your career, you can do it in London

14. There are 4500 pubs & bars

20. It's one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the world

22. Your commute will take you past some of the most famous landmarks in the world

32. Once you know you way around there is no greater feeling than a tourist asking you for directions and you actually knowing the answer

54. Getting angry at tourists who are getting in your way is weirdly liberating

75. People back home will think you're really tough for living in London

97. In the summer it's always hotter in London than anywhere else in the country


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