
Monday, June 15, 2015

Kansas City Recap Part 2

I was actually surprise with the weather while I was there. I'm not sure why, but I thought it would be sunny & warm in KC. Well, I was TOTALLY wrong.  It was chilly and rainy pretty much the whole time we were there. But I wouldn't let that ruin my fun.  You can't scare me away Kansas City, I'm on to you!

This was the view of the pool at the Westin.  I was saddened that I brought my bathing suit for no reason. BOOOO.

This is the Union Station in Kansas City. Its beautiful inside!  I had the most amazing experience.  I was holding the door open for this adorable old man with a cane and he started talking to me about how old the building was, and went "This is a very old building, when I left for the war in 1942, I came here to get my train. It looks just the same." He was SO FREAKING ADORABLE!!!

This is the World War II memorial. I didn't get a chance to go in, but I hear its pretty amazing.

My boss is pretty good at staking out really great places to eat.  I guess she watched "Diners, drive-ins and Dives" and always has a great recommendation. This time, we went to Pot Pie and it was AMAZING!!!  It was so warm and the crust was so fluffy!!! We also had a Brie & Spinach taste...holy cow, amazing!

And then from here, I pretty much went on an eating & drinking tour of Kansas City. Not a bad way to see a city! Nothing wrong with that, RIGHT? RIGHT? I thought so.

Went to Small Cakes and had the Cookies & Cream cupcake. OMG YUM! I didn't love the frosting, I think it was cream cheese based and it was just too heavy for me. But WOW was the cake super moist (I know a lot of you hate that word, but still).

And then I HAD to try out this thing called "concrete", which is frozen custard thing.  I found a Sheridans and had a mint concrete. SO GOOD. Needless to say, I needed to walk off all of this sugar!

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